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Customer of the Year 2018


Customer of the Year 2018

 The marketing and communication activities of Viru Keskus received the highest number of awards in 2018. Ten actions by Viru Keskus reached the finals of the Golden Egg competition organised by the Estonian Association of Marketing Communication Agencies (ETKAL) and at the gala event on March 16, 2018 Viru Keskus was awarded 2 Golden Eggs, 4 Silver Eggs, 1 Bronze Egg, and the title of the Customer of the Year 2018.

The actions can be viewed in more detail here:

At the gala awards event of Estonian Music Entrepreneurship on April 3, 2018 Viru Keskus was awarded the title of the Most Music-friendly Enterprise of the Year:

“I am deeply grateful to all the people and our partners who have lent their hands to move mountains once again. My warmest thanks go to my team, Jazzkaar, Tallinn Music Week as well as advertising agencies Ad Angels and Age McCann. Thank you!” commented the marketing and communication director of Viru Keskus Taivi Koitla.

Viru Keskus was opened in 2004 and has won the 36 awards for marketing communication (15 golden, 12 silver and 9 bronze awards). In addition to the awards, Virus Keskus won in 2018 also the titles of the Customer of the Year and the Most Music-friendly Enterprise of the Year.

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