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Records on Viru Food Hall


Viru Keskus Food Hall Achieves Record Results Amid Crises and Construction Challenges.

Viru Keskus Food Hall has successfully defied the restrictions stemming from roadworks and the decrease in downtown visitors due to a decline in tourism, reaching an all-time record turnover in July. Since its opening, the Food Street has been visited 4 million times, with nearly 7,000 visitors each day in July.

Opened in June 2022, Viru Food Hall has found its way into the hearts of both city residents and visitors, evidenced by a record turnover that increased by 4.5% compared to the same period last year. The growth in turnover is even more remarkable considering the decrease in visitor numbers due to roadwork restrictions and reduced tourism in the area. Despite these challenges, the number of purchases at the Food Street has increased. However, the average basket size has remained the same.

According to Gertti Kogermann, the CEO of Viru Keskus, smooth changes have occurred at the Food Hall tenant mix to provide guests with a diverse and rich selection. “The concept and branding of the Food Hall have proven themselves, and this is why the tenant changes have been smooth. It is great to announce that with the addition of new food establishments, the range of options has further enriched, leaving no vacant spaces at the Food Hall,” stated Kogermann.

“In addition, we are introducing an additional convenience service at the Food Hall aimed at local lunch-goers. With My Viru app, customers can pre-order food conveniently across the Food Hall restaurants, making a single payment when ordering from multiple eateries. This way, even a whole office team can come by for a quick bite once the meals are ready,” he added.

Viru Food Hall is the only place in the heart of Tallinn where one can choose from 16 menus offering different flavors all in one place. This cozy yet glamorous spot provides guests with culinary experiences created by top chefs offering tastes from six different corners of the world, all while enjoying the cozier terrace in the heart of downtown near Tammsaare Park.

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