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Reflection of a turbulent year: Viru Keskus grabbed numerous nominations at the Kuldmuna Awards.


In the most important creativity competition in Estonia, Kuldmuna 2024, where a record number of entries were submitted this year, works commissioned by Viru Keskus were nominated a total of eight times. Four very different campaigns received nominations, reflecting remarkably well the challenges of the eventful year of 2023.

“The harvest of Kuldmuna nominations for Viru Keskus this year reflects the joys and pains of being the heart of the city, a community, cultural and fashion center, and the intersection of crossroads. Against the backdrop of the largest physical renewal in our history, with nearly 90% of the center’s space and tenants being renewed, we continued our substantive collaboration with our good cultural partners, responded to massive excavation works around us, and during the most sacred time of the year, earned greater attention with a slightly unconventional approach.

Together with our creative partners, we created five new extensive marketing campaigns last year, organized seven promotional campaigns, and produced six editorial fashion series. Additionally, in collaboration with various partners, we hosted ten different events at Viru Keskus,” comments Kristel Sooaru, Marketing and Communications Manager at Viru Keskus.

Three nominations have been awarded to last year’s controversial campaign “Ehe püha,” recognized for its Mastery in Print advertising, Outdoor advertising – poster, and Design excellence – photo category. Christmas is a time to cherish, gather, and give warmth from special moments. Genuine moments. In the campaign created by AD Angels, one of the world’s most famous stories – the Christmas child – was linked to the world’s most famous gem – Vermeer’s pearl earring. A dialogue was born between contemporary and historical, sacredness and our own lives. “The Man with the Child and Pearl Earring” symbolizes timeless simplicity, echoing the truth that every genuine moment is sacred. The creative team included Kärt Villman, Jan Teevet, Kristi Pedai, and Iiris Kivisalu. The “Ehe püha” web campaign has also proven to be one of Viru Keskus’s most successful digital campaigns.

The campaign “Sound loud on!” which has been nominated in the categories of Small product campaign, Entertainment and branded content, and Social media post, is once again a good example of Viru Keskus’s substantive collaboration with its cultural partners. As a community, cultural, and fashion center, we provided visibility for young, talented musicians from Tallinn Music Week who are earning their place in the cultural space by putting them in the spotlight. We provided a platform for them in the center’s audio and digital channels. What else do musicians need in the spotlight besides a microphone and speakers? How about Cool’e fits? Luckily, we have plenty of those in our house! The natural and fun result of this collaboration was not only sold-out concerts and successful fashion sales but also new creative projects and connections between the musicians involved.

Musicians in the spotlight: Kitty Florentine, Valge Tüdruk, Minimal Wind, Elephants From Neptune, Solecline, Maris Pihlap, Anett.

The creative team included Helen Kikkas-Tikerpe (Viru Keskus), Kalle Veesaar, Johanna Eenmaa, Liisa-Chrislin Saleh, and many others. Interviews with artists conducted by Liina Tammepõld (Tallinn Music Week).

When in early July, the city streets surrounding Viru Keskus had turned into a construction site, it was time to turn to the classics. This gave rise to a small campaign called “Roadworks“, which was recognized with a nomination for Excellence in advertising text campaign. Roadworks and putting effort in? Love comes from Tammsaare – this was true in the most literal sense in this case, as the only access to the center was through Tammsaare Park. The campaign was created by AD Angels, with creative director Kärt Villmann and copywriter Jan Teevet, with the support of project manager Kristi Pedai.

The completion of the largest renovation in Viru Keskus’s history, which involved redesigning almost the entire interior of the center, was marked by a grand opening party called “Ringmäng” (Ring Game), now nominated in the category of Public communication event. The event consisted of several elements inspired by the creative story of making a circle. Trends made a turn in the fashion show on the escalators and rotating circular stage. At the heart of the fashion show was the performance of rising alternative music star Kitty Florentine, arranged by Sander Mölder, and involved the choir Collegium Musicale. We turned circles on fashion world norms, and alongside models, people associated with Viru Keskus over the years – stylists, designers, actors, singers – took the stage. The opening act featured aerial acrobatics by Deelia Jõgi under the ceiling, and the chilling aerial dance performed by Ingmar Jõela and Steffi Pähna caused shivers through the audience as they circled in the atrium’s high ceiling.

The creative planning and production of the event was a collaborative effort between Viru Keskus’s own team and the Stiilikanal team, with the heaviest responsibilities falling on Kristel Sooaru, Helen Kikkas-Tikrepe, Janne Klooren, and Anne Rinne. The overall campaign “Tegime ringi” was created by the creative agency AGE Creative.

Photos Viru Keskus, agencies and Optimist Creative for Estonian Marketing association.

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