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Popular presenters raced in Fusion Pilates training


Piret Laos, Jüri Butšakov and Robert Rool, the presenters of the popular show “Õhtu” raced in the extremely popular Fusion Pilates workout of the renewed MyFitness sports club of Viru Keskus. The session was conducted by the beloved trainer Mihkel Vabrit, who after a short introduction to the advantages and principles of reform pilates did not spare the stars. All muscle groups were worked through the exercises, and new exercises – Jüri and Robert’s special – were not left untried. Coach Mihkel did not confirm that they will also be included in the training plans. However, he emphasized one important advantage of Fusion Pilates – this training method is perfect for people with problems with joints, as reform pilates allows you to set the appropriate weights for your body.

You can see the fun workout here and book for the workout here.

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