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New measures to control the spread of Covid-19 in force from Oct. 25, 2021


The government decided to increase the measures in place to stop the Covid spread. The new measures described below are in force from October 25, 2021 to January 10, 2022.

  • The government demands that masks must be worn in public indoor spaces not checked for infection risk and merely covering the mouth and nose is not enough any more. On retail and service premises, the retailers and service providers can no longer allow people not wearing masks to enter sales and service spaces. The now dominant delta variant of coronavirus is significantly more infectious than the strains that spread at the start of the pandemic, and covering the nose and mouth with anything other than a protective mask will not help to prevent infection. People are strongly recommended to use medical (or equivalent) masks, since their use will be very effective in preventing the airborne spread of the delta variant. Those who are unable to wear a mask for medical reasons must be able to provide proof of this from their doctor.
  • In order to stop the spread of the virus people must keep their distance on such premises.
  •  Only certificates attesting to vaccination or having contracted and recovered from COVID-19 will be valid COVID-certificates. This means that people who are not vaccinated against COVID or have not contracted and recovered from the virus may no longer take part in such organised activities that require COVID-certificates. The restriction includes sports and exercise events; public events, entertainment services and catering venues.
  • In addition to the government orders traders have decided at the initiative of Estonian Traders Association to apply the following stricter self regulation measures that are applied by Viru Keskus as follows:
    • Starting from Oct. 25.10 it is required to wear a mask in Viru Keskus

by both visitors, staff and partners (incl. in checked areas, like catering venues, the sports club and service providers), irrespective of their vaccination status. Security staff are entitled to approach visitors, staff and partners in order to draw their attention to the mask wearing requirement. The requirement to wear a mask is applied through the house rules posted on the doors of the centre.

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