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Jüri’s Myverse


Viruverse can function, fizz and innovate when it holds the right amount of cosmic Myverses. We have gathered some of them and asked them to reveal the brightest stars of their galaxies. Then we let IT to visualise these Myverses.

Jüri is the master of the Viruverse’s orchard and this is what he has to say about his own universe.

The centre of your Myverse:

The favourite star of your taste galaxy:
Lemon pepper, because it is simply perfect nearly with anything.

The trend from light years away that you would revive:
Mood sweaters.

Beauty procedure that always helps when you feel like you have been sucked in by a black hole:
Facial massage always makes you feel good.

If you could travel to any point in the universe, you would go:
To the planet KEPLER-186F to see if there is life.

One thing you have recently changed in your habits to ensure that our planet would always beautify the Milky Way galaxy:

I try to avoid elevators and rather prefer to take the stairs always.

 The one thing that you would make better in the universe with your super powers:
Empathy to the masses!


Jüri’s outfits are nevertheless not cosmic nor created by AI. You can find them in Viruverse.

Outfit 1
Hat: Colorful Standard / Watch Wear
Jacket and pants: Calvin Klein
Sweatshirt: Nike
Footwear: Zara

Outfit 2
Glasses: ARKET
Jacket: ARKET
Overalls: American Vintage
Shirt: ARKET
Bag: RAINS / Watch Wear
Footwear: Zara


Styled by: Johanna Oden
Photographs by: Kalle Veesaar
The concept was created and IT dialogues were held by: Helen Kikkas-Tikerpe / Viruverse
Makeup by: Eliise Brigita Mõisamaa, Mari-Ly Kapp

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