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Jaqueline Maxine’s Myverse


Jaqueline Maxine is a fashion revolutionary, a romantic and the marketing poet of BonBon Lingerie.

The description of the universe of Jaqueline Maxine is as follows.

The centre of your Myverse:
My nearest and dearest, my passions and the creations inspired by them.

The favourite star of your taste galaxy:
Italian pasta and risotto, but above all tortelloni. In my mind nobody speaks the language of food as well as the Italians.

The trend from light years away that you would revive:
Individuality and originality. Nowadays the masses follow any micro-trends too closely and forget who they really are deep down. Individuality will never go out of fashion. You don’t look trendy because of what you wear, but how you wear it. Therefore I would like to see more creativity in “miswearing” things and adapting them to yourself.

Beauty procedure that always helps when you feel like you have been sucked in by a black hole:
Enough sleep and a positive attitude. Nothing ruins beauty (and life) like fatigue and stress.

If you could travel to any point in the universe, you would go:
Back in time, to experience once again the most important lessons and most touching moments in my life, and see how they have helped to shape me into the woman I am today.

One thing you have recently changed in your habits to ensure that our planet would always beautify the Milky Way galaxy:
I learned (and keep learning) to consume fashion in a smart way. I choose quality over quantity. I buy things that I am ready to fall in love with for a long time and then find new ways to love them daily.

The dress of Jaqueline Maxine comes from the galaxy of Patrizia Pepe in the Women’s Department (Naistemaailm) of Kaubamaja


Styled by: Johanna Oden
Photographs by: Kalle Veesaar
The concept was created and IT dialogues were held by: Helen Kikkas-Tikerpe / Viruverse
Makeup by: Eliise Brigita Mõisamaa, Mari-Ly Kapp

* The Myverse environments have been visualised by AI based on the answers.


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