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Everyone can be life saver – AED stations on Viru Keskus


In the spring of 2021 we have installed in Viru Keskus four resuscitation kits AED stations. AED stations are fully automated devices for resuscitation that can be handled by any visitors and personnel of the centre. The AED stations installed in the centre will help the user with voice commands in three languages: Estonian, English and Russian

The AED stations are installed in the following locations in Viru Keskus, one device on each floor. The locations of the AED stations are also marked on the house plans of Viru Keskus by using the specific pictogram

Locations with access roads for ambulance crews as well, in case the patient is close to an AED station, are following:

    • I floor, information desk Access through the Laikmaa Street entrance.
    • I floor, on the wall by the Food World escalators. Access through the bus terminal.
    • II floor, on the wall next to Marella shop.
    • III floor, on the wall by the staircase to Rahva Raamat. Access through the III floor car park.

The aim of the AED devices is to resuscitate a person with cardiac arrest until the ambulance arrives. Irreversible brain damage occurs about 3-4 minutes after cardiac arrest and thus time and rapid action are essential.

In the case of resuscitation in 1-3 minutes 75-90% can be brought back to life.

Thanks to the instructions of the AED device anybody can manage to use it and save lives.


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